MEDECO locations do not belong to any franchise system. Self-employment is the declared goal and determines medical action. Both partners and junior partners are exempt from entry fees and determine the furnishings and equipment of their partner practice.Suppliers and laboratories are not prescribed; nor is it required to disclose business transactions conducted at individual locations or practices.
Partners and junior partners may, but do not have to re-invent the wheel.
It actually makes sense to resort to MEDECO Group's tried and tested experience when it comes to purchasing, dental technology, quality assurance, hygiene guidelines, further education, economic and local law (and many other things). As this is the only way – particularly at the beginning of one's career – that one can fully concentrateon medical and dental activity.
As a partner, you are the owner or co-owner of one or possibly even several medical service centres. As a medical or dental entrepreneur you are economically and professionally independent and committed to your own, self-employed medical actions.
You have several years of professional experience, are possibly even qualified in a further specialised field and can preferably show a doctorate or a similar qualification. You understand business management. You have a distinct ability to work in a team and enjoy leading your own staff to joint success. Depending on your entrepreneurial strength, you purchase full shares or capital interests with the purpose of establishing your own location, to take over a location or to participate in an existing service centre. In addition, the possibility exists to create your own economically independent practice within one of the service centres.
Your chances for success as a full partner and medical and/or dental entrepreneur within the MEDECO Group are professionally and economically distinctly higher than those of a doctor/dentist with his own practice in the free market.
If you take over, manage or help to create a MEDECO Treatment Centre as a dentist or a maxillo-facial surgeon, you will attain economic independence, particular competitiveness and can retain your freedom to provide therapy.
However, there are rules such as quality standards, a medically prescribed code of conduct and obligations with regards to further education and specialisation. These rules are a matter of course: it is the only way a team can be successful.