Fixed appliances

Fixed appliance in lower jaw
Bands for the left lower jaw
Brackets in lower jaw

The basic components of fixed appliances are bands, brackets, arches, ligatures, alastics, elastics and springs.

Brackets are attachments glued onto the tooth. Brackets mainly consist of stainless steel, but plastic and ceramic brackets are also applicable if maximum comfort and aesthetics are desired.

Arches (orthodontic wires) are available in various material thicknesses, forms and alloys. Arches can involve all teeth with attachments or individual teeth or groups of teeth only (circumferential or partial arches).

Ligatures serve to attach the arches in the brackets; they consist of soft steel wire or rubber (elastics). Elastics are used for intra- and intermaxillary movement or anchoring. Wire springs are pushed into arches and positioned between the attachments or to auxiliary parts (e. g., hooks). A distinction is made between opening and traction springs, which move the tooth in the respective direction.

Fixed treatment appliances are usable for almost all orthodontic movements; however, the danger of possible side effects must be taken into consideration (risk of caries, demineralisation, loss of enamel, overload damages). The application is preferred for fixed appliances with the following tasks:

  • Physical tooth movements
  • Shortening and extension of teeth (intrusion/extrusion)
  • Targeted root movements (e. g., torque, straightening of teeth in mesio-distal direction)
  • Forming of dental arches
  • Extensive movement of individual teeth (e. g., misplaced canines)
  • Dento-alveolar occlusion balancing (if skeletal change is not possible)
  • Orthodontic treatment for adults